Lost and found

"Paradoxical, Ironic, Bundle of contradictions, Most confused thing on two legs with eleven opinions and a half  on nine issues."

This is what  Quizly ( or such other time pass web applications)  would throw up if I were to succumb to the temptation of taking up online Personality tests.

Tangentially trite descriptions will emerge every time, if you decide to go in for best of three. As random as that and establishing polarity.

My Garden-The little heaven does the same to me. Just when I think, I found myself here , I  lose it to the incredible miracles that happen in this green and brown world.

My garden  looked like this when I started two years back...

And my kindred garden sways between polarity and randomness, giving me the much-needed company while I sip my chai and garden on.


  1. Looking forward to reading about your gardening experiences with your dose of inimitable humour added as fertilizer:)

  2. How charming.....do you know that the only creations believed to have two souls are plants......you can cut them and replant a part and they grow again.......not are they bi-polar but also multi-soul.....

  3. Thank you Vasuda for dropping by my garden blog and the nice words.

  4. Hey Aparna , thank you for reading and leaving a comment. Interesting to know about the soul of the plants..

  5. Would like very much to see what your garden looks like now, two years later....

    1. Sure ! Very soon will do that . And you are most welcome to drop by when you are back in India.

  6. In this world of synthetic fertilizer and pesticides it is refreshing to visit a blog that promises a succulent symphony of green vines, organic composts, heady fragrance of soil set on an urban terrace. Knowing Viji Ganesh, I will play the soothsayer and predict that this blog would be riveting and informative and written with a dash of humor and lots of candor.

    Best wishes, Subramaniam Iyer

    1. Thank you Subramaniam Iyer,for those kind and generous words. The challenge now is to live up to those words !


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