Grow your Green Thumb

People in their admiration for a colorful garden, vegetable patch, or bountiful harvest exclaim that the gardener is endowed with a Green Thumb. 

An avid gardener will tell you the thumb and nails are anything but green with stains of the muddy earth and associated fragrances.

Gardening or tending to a garden is a skill acquired like any other skill that involves education, training, and practice with many failures and successes with learning being a continuum- intuitive at that. It is not a talent one is born with.

While a "Green Thumb" compliment is well-meaning and most encouraging, I am overcome by a primordial longing to narrate the travails with weeds alongside non-sprouting seeds, Aphids making merry with the  Mealybugs, Ants, Rodents, and Monkeys in a jamboree, Curling leaves, falling-flowers, root rot, and what not!

Green Thumb as such is no superpower or natural endowment and at best can be an inherent aptitude. Green Thumb is not what you are born with as is believed widely. It is something you acquire.  

Next time if your plants are not doing well check their moisture content, potting mix, soil quality, check the seed quality, pests, sunlight, and see your Green Thumb appear !!

Green Thumb: Decoded for you!


  1. Very true!

    In a very simple and easily understandable language the article decodes the green thumb.

    Meaning of each letter in the green thumb can be used as a checklist to actually acwuire one!!

  2. Thankyou for the validation ,KK .Means a lot !


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